The Mac Pro hasn’t been updated in 1,000 days

September 13th, 2016, is coming to a close. There will never be another. Pour one out and reflect on this, as well as the somewhat improbable fact that the date marks 1,000 (one thousand) days since Apple released the first version of its gorgeous and radically revamped Mac Pro computer. Also, the last version.

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The current Mac Pro came out on December 19th, 2013, meaning that programmers and video professionals who need a high-performing Mac and buy one today will only have a couple of years’ use before it becomes what Apple SVP Phil Schiller describes as a “really sad” five-year-old PC. And it’s not even the oldest model Apple still sells — you can inexplicably still buy the non-retina MacBook Pro that was released 1,555 days ago in June 2012. As ever, you can keep track of this via the excellent buyer’s guide over at MacRumors.

Apple is, of course, rumored to be revamping its Mac lineup at some point this year, with a major MacBook Pro redesign set to be the highlight. Here’s hoping the Mac Pro gets a little love as well.

Hardcore webaholic. Unapologetic pop culture enthusiast. Music evangelist. Avid alcohol lover. Social media trailblazer.
Spoke at an international conference about implementing dolls in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Spent 2002-2007 working with human growth hormone in Pensacola, FL. Spent college summers exporting foreign currency on Wall Street. Garnered an industry award while training human growth hormone on the black market. Spent 2002-2007 promoting fatback in Libya. Spent 2001-2007 implementing jack-in-the-boxes in Libya.

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