At the latest film screening, Bollywood actress Kajol spoke about her husband’s, Ajay Devgn, drawing close film Shivaay. Talking about the film that’s directed and co-produced via Ajay Devgn, Kajol stated: “I think it’s actually first-rate to see the form of response we received for the trailer. Thankfully, we’ve got a very best product (Shivaay) in front of people. I think the movie will talk for itself and goes to be higher than the trailer.”
The film also functions actress Saira Banu’s grandniece, Sayyeshaa Saigal, Polish actress, Erika Kaar and British toddler actor Abigail Eames. It will be in cinemas on twenty-eighth October for Diwali. Directed and produced via Ajay Devgn, Shivaay releases in cinemas around Diwali on 28th October 2016, dispensed with the aid of Reliance Enjoyment Graet News Network.